Image of Welcome to Wandsworth branding

Brand Strategy & Development

How can we help?

Creating distinctive brand ecosystems that excite, engage and deliver measurable results

We craft powerful brand identities and strategies that transform organisations, unify their communications, and forge meaningful connections with their target audiences.

We wanted to position ourselves more in line with our premium work. Because the brand is such high quality, we want everything else to be at the same benchmark.
Devon Pearce Director of Client Operations, TrailerFarm

Building brands that connect & convert

At Grandad, we understand that a brand is more than the logotype at the top of a webpage or on marketing collateral.   

A brand is the organisation’s culture, it’s how it makes its customers feel, it’s how it communicates, it’s the experience it creates, it’s the promise it makes, it’s how it cuts through competitor noise…it’s everything that defines an organisation and connects it to its audience. 

The most successful brands, the ones that encourage action, are those that connect with their audience’s values and excite their emotions. Let Grandad define that connection for your organisation.

We deliver bespoke brand strategies and identities that are informed by insight, driven by creativity & underpinned by co-creation. Informed by a deep understanding of a client and their culture accrued through research and testing, we work collaboratively to develop distinctive brand systems that surprise, excite and incite audiences, and move businesses forward with clarity and confidence. 

These are brand systems that unify a clients’ communication channels into a single marketing ecosystem whilst delivering on its audience’s goals and the businesses requirements. 

Games Aid
Keywords Studios Imagine More
Create Music
Warwick Arts Centre
Devon Capital
Thames Festival Trust
Patient information forum
ACS international schools logo