If you're looking for a fresh perspective on your digital output, it sounds like you need Grandad's digital health check.

What is a Digital health check?

A Grandad digital health check is a bespoke service that focuses on analysing your digital marketing pain-points. In order to get a result that works for your organisational objectives we know that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't necessarily work.  The beauty of working with us is that we have worked with membership organisations of all sizes and models and across other industry sectors, affording us trusted expertise with a fresh perspective that you won't see elsewhere.

Step 1

Get in touch with Paul to book in a call and discovery Q&A session so that we can ascertain what your needs are, and the pain points you have.

Step 2

Depending on your pain points, our health checks will look at website statistics such as conversion rates, bounce rates, and site speed as well as SEO performance and user experience. Understanding how your members are using the site and what their journey is like can help you boost engagement and conversions through a range of innovative digital marketing solutions such as personalisation and localisation. We’ll also look at your business objectives and marketing strategy for greater insight into how this aligns with your overall digital strategy and web output.

Step 3

Once we’ve gathered and assessed all the information and depending on the outcome, we’ll bring solutions and opportunities to you that will vary from initial quick wins through to longer term projects that may require investment. No matter how your health check performs, Grandad will be able to offer bespoke expertise and fresh insights that will empower you to make the best decisions for the future of your organisation and its members.

Following our attendance at the Memberwise MemX 2022 event , Grandad invites you to book a free digital health check.  Book in now for an informal chat to start the conversation.

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