Crafting your Culture

How would you describe the culture of your studio? How does your team work, rest and play? How diverse and inclusive is your team? How is success celebrated? 

These are just some of the many questions that help our team of digital experts get to the heart of your studio’s values.

In an industry as popular and collaborative as gaming, it is important to tell your story to potential applicants, highlighting the unique elements of your team and company that go beyond the standard team bio page.  By giving future employees an ‘inside look’ into the culture of your studio and the people that define your team, you’re giving them an insight into life as part of that community, part of the process and part of your success.  Team website blogs, studio insights, talking head webinars and case study showreels are great content vehicles for some of the following elements.

  1. Storytelling your place of work and insider knowledge of the location is a nice way to set the scene.  As well as good transport links or in addition to remote working, think about where you’re based - what is attractive about your studio’s location? Is it next to the best coffee shop, or an award-winning burger bar? Where do you hang out as a team? 
  2. Storytelling your team’s people shows future employees about who they’ll be working with, but more importantly about what they value as individuals and as part of the wider organisation. The personalities of your team can often reflect the personality of the studio.  Is there a social committee, or occasions to celebrate company and individual milestones?  What charities, causes or wide-world issues do your employees and the studio care about? How do you promote wellness?
  3. Storytelling your success - think about what success looks like to you and your team.  Include the all-important impact statistics such as downloads and awards, case studies and testimonials, but don’t forget to also show how your team celebrates success and the camaraderie born from those wins. It’s one thing to show how you work hard, but showing how the team plays hard is just as important in the recruitment process.
object(stdClass)#32 (49) { ["id"]=> string(4) "1399" ["type_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["name"]=> string(17) "Trailerfarm block" ["date_created"]=> string(10) "1657029514" ["date_modified"]=> string(10) "1710343559" ["creator_id"]=> string(3) "525" ["modifier_id"]=> string(3) "577" ["template_id"]=> string(3) "201" ["pending_deletion"]=> string(1) "0" ["publish"]=> string(1) "1" ["publish_from"]=> string(10) "1656975600" ["publish_to"]=> string(1) "0" ["last_modified"]=> string(19) "2022-07-06 11:48:10" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["text"]=> string(573) "

At Grandad, these elements are all considered and refined during our critical discovery phase workshops and will ultimately drive the design, branding and UX phases of development. For TrailerFarm we considered these areas in great detail to determine the best approach in communicating their ‘culture of innovation’ and ‘who’ behind the ‘what’.  Refining these core values and resulting brand language generates maximum impact and shows a brand full of flair and personality.

" ["search_keywords"]=> string(0) "" ["image_heights"]=> string(6) "[1696]" ["image_positioning"]=> string(0) "" ["text_color"]=> string(0) "" ["percentage_split"]=> string(5) "30-70" ["background_color"]=> string(0) "" ["layout"]=> string(5) "split" ["settings"]=> object(stdClass)#28 (5) { ["initial"]=> int(1) ["max"]=> int(1) ["min"]=> int(1) ["columns"]=> int(1) ["accepts"]=> object(stdClass)#31 (2) { ["types"]=> array(0) { } ["templates"]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#33 (0) { } } } } ["date_publish"]=> string(4) "true" ["_table"]=> string(6) "object" ["asset_ids"]=> string(3) "626" ["image_file_name"]=> string(38) "cd7245a610aa026a4a18f6a52c1c673c_0.png" ["thumb_crop_width"]=> string(0) "" ["image_widths"]=> string(6) "[3000]" ["image_locations"]=> string(20) "/images/content/201/" ["image_cap"]=> string(45) "Trailerfarm tablet everything we've ever done" ["image_alt"]=> string(33) "Trailerfarm Everything we've done" ["thumb_id"]=> string(3) "626" ["image_id"]=> string(3) "626" ["thumb_crop_y"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb_crop_x"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb_crop_height"]=> string(0) "" ["slots"]=> array(0) { } ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["image"]=> object(stdClass)#54 (9) { ["url"]=> string(44) "" ["alt"]=> string(33) "Trailerfarm Everything we've done" ["cap"]=> string(45) "Trailerfarm tablet everything we've ever done" ["data"]=> string(299) " data-custom="{"img_src":"images\/uploads\/04143a0e1c6ff55aa78b9b7be4831387.png","fx":"","fy":"","original":{"width":"3000","height":"1696","orientation":"landscape"}}" " ["data_raw"]=> string(153) "{"img_src":"images\/uploads\/04143a0e1c6ff55aa78b9b7be4831387.png","fx":"","fy":"","original":{"width":"3000","height":"1696","orientation":"landscape"}}" ["img_src"]=> string(75) "" ["width"]=> string(4) "3000" ["height"]=> string(4) "1696" ["orientation"]=> string(9) "landscape" } ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["link_title"]=> string(9) "Read More" ["columns"]=> string(5) "col-0" ["text_color_class"]=> string(0) "" ["title_color_class"]=> string(0) "" ["background_color_class"]=> string(0) "" ["gradient"]=> string(0) "" ["colors"]=> NULL ["split"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(2) "30" [1]=> string(2) "70" } }

At Grandad, these elements are all considered and refined during our critical discovery phase workshops and will ultimately drive the design, branding and UX phases of development. For TrailerFarm we considered these areas in great detail to determine the best approach in communicating their ‘culture of innovation’ and ‘who’ behind the ‘what’.  Refining these core values and resulting brand language generates maximum impact and shows a brand full of flair and personality.

Trailerfarm Everything we've done

A Tailor-Made Solution

So once you have a handle on communicating the unique culture and value of your studio, it is important to ensure that your brand is visually distinguishable from your competitors and that the visitor experience is noticeably distinguishable too.  Gaining expertise and insight on how to maximise your content with Grandad’s UX expertise and technologies such as intuitive filtering, navigation, search and menu hierarchies will ensure that your digital solutions look good, yet feel great.  

This ethos of going beyond the ordinary powers our belief in offering custom solutions to our clients through our tailor-made content management system. YouCreate was born after noticing a gap in the market for a fully customisable, intuitive and flexible application. When you combine an innovative system with a supportive team who are constantly looking for ways to add value to your brand, you’re left with a solution which goes beyond the ordinary.

For our tailor-made solutions we will always trust YouCreate to deliver, but we also have a wealth of experience in building and developing sites using other CMS platforms. Our strategy will always be to look at the best fit for your business environment.

Perfect-Fit Integration

A core element of Grandad’s technological expertise is our ability to integrate your site with various third-party software that gives you more control, offers greater flexibility and improves various business functions.  For gaming studios in need of our digital solutions, one of the most crucial integrations tends to be with a recruitment software platform.  

Grandad has experience at integrating many recruitment platforms including Workable who we’ve recently partnered with.  Having seen the benefits that many of our gaming clients have gained from Workable integration, we are equipped to offer custom solutions, exclusive expertise and insights, in addition to a financial reward for all new clients requiring Workable integration. 

Workable is a perfect fit for SMBs based all over the world, and enables candidates to apply for roles directly through your website or through job boards - meaning  a stronger employer brand and no more recruiter fees. We integrated the software for Studio Gobo and Electric Square to allow users to apply for roles with ease. Our team can integrate any open roles to sit within your site and be posted to the top of Google without having to worry about SEO. 

Electric Square mobile

So to conclude - in order to build the best team, your website needs to measure up and surpass the competition. Grandad’s first-class approach to building you a fully optimised site, that is reflective of your culture and uses intuitive tech means that we do the hard part for you whilst you can focus on securing the right candidate.